Suicide – MGTOW / MGHOW (Part 1)

Majority of Modern women complain they can’t find nice guys or good men to date or marry them. On the other hand, you see a lot of men committing suicide, checking out of this life time earlier planned or wanted, for so many reasons. Most of the recent suicides are committed by the good men the women are waiting for in vain. The unanswered question is “Why?”


Metaphysically, there is more to Suicide than what society sees it as. But that’s a discussion for another day.

Men Suicide recently increased because of certain beliefs boys picked from others or society while growing up which shaped their realities. I mean, from young age, a boy starts carrying everyone’s or society responsibility on his shoulder. It becomes his responsibility to protect females around him. It becomes his responsibility to protect or preserve his nation. It becomes his responsibility to produce/provide money anyhow he can to produce wife for his parents, extended family, tribe, race and society. It becomes his responsibility to procreate or produce a heir/male child to keep the family lineage going. It becomes his responsibility to provide for his wife, children & in-laws. It becomes his responsibility to be a trash can where everyone dumps his or her shit, because he can’t be emotionally or physically abused. It becomes his responsibility to be chivalrous to every woman he meets. And when all these responsibilities become too much pressure for him to handle or when after taking all these responsibilities and he is discarded same society or people he spent his life carrying, he becomes depressed or sees himself as a failure or in a cage he can’t go out of. Checking out of this physical life would appear the best solution. Yes, depression can be that tough.

Of course, some contrasting or unpleasant experiences can be so overwhelming that checking out would appear a better option than keep going through the pain. But what I know with no shred of doubt is there is always positive outcome in every unpleasant experience in this physical time space on Earth. Just that most men don’t know this because of ill beliefs they picked up from society. What belief do you have about who you really are? Do you know some beliefs of yours could be working against you and attracting upsetting experiences to you? Know this; your parents didn’t give you life. Your parents did not create you. There is no supreme being up there in the sky with long white beard that put life or soul in you when your body was forming in your mother’s womb. You have always existed and will always exist. You chose to come to this physical time on Earth through your Parents (biological father & mother) and they deserve your respect, love and appreciation for that. You are an eternal non-physical entity, having physical experience on Earth at this moment you are reading this. You are a powerful creator who is here to create, experience and have fun. You are part of the reason Universe exist. You contributed in making the current Universe the good it is today. Do not ever let anyone make you feel less than who you now know you are and the power possess.

You ought to have remembered who you really are, but because of programs you went through from childhood from others, schools, society, Religious groups, especially from Adults, you lost all that knowing. That’s why it feels so awful when someone tries to dominate, manipulate, impose or control you, because the core knowledge of who you really are is inside you, suppressed by so many beliefs you picked up telling you otherwise. It’s the reason why man’s primary desire from childhood is freedom. The truth is, you are free. But men & women who feel very insecure would beat drum of bondage through all kinds of teachings and programs to make you feel you are not, for fear of losing their own freedom, to eliminate any form of threat to their freedom that don’t even exist. The beliefs you picked up from them that you are not free would always attract bondage experiences.

Whenever you go to sleep every night or close your eyes anytime of the day & can still open yours when they close, it means you are not done with your creations on Earth in your current body. Before you came, you chose to create, explore or experience some themes or stuffs as you go on. But most men deviate from all that because of control or distractions around them, when they don’t follow paths they are passionate about, an indication from the Non-physical part of them that usually come in form of impulse, interest, idea, etc. A lot of beliefs you probably have now have nothing to do with why you are here. And this can make most men feel empty or depressed after certain time in their lives. Because, suddenly they realized something is missing and life stops making sense to them.

It’s no longer news that some of the recent suicides were divorced men. With the high divorce rate where half or almost everything men have are taken from them, forced to pay child support and Alimony for the rest of their physical lives, in some cases. I understand guys. But you have to understand how Universe works with Non-physical part of you. Because sometimes, to experience your desires or see path to your success, Universe has to clear the old baggage you have, to make space for better new to come in or show up, which may appear unpleasant during the cleaning up. I will give an example. In USA, a woman woke up one morning and & broke up with his boyfriend. The boyfriend felt devastated and very heartbroken. Few days later, he entered a shop and bought a $50 lottery ticket. The ticket won him $30,500,000.00 ($30.5m US dollars) about 2 weeks after her ex broke up with him. Universe had to separate him from something blocking abundant wealth (the ex-girlfriend) he always wanted, for him to experience it. Even though the way the baggage was cleaned was unpleasant to him, but it needed to happen anyway for him to receive the wealth. Imagine if he had committed suicide because of the heartbroken or of something of nature that could put men in depression.

Many men were sent to jail & they discovered great talents or potentials they never knew they had or paid attention to, while in prison. When they left prison, they attracted abundance of wealth, fame and/or health from those talents. Snoop Doggy Dog is a perfect example, including Tupac Shakur. Even if your beliefs attracted some unpleasant experiences you are having, there will be positive outcome. It’s the universal law, as long as you let go of the struggle to push back or fight the problem. This secret has been kept from you for so long. But now you know. These experiences that push men to commit suicide is actually to help men release some of the resistances built up inside. It’s not the unpleasant experience that matters, but how you define or see the experience, positive or negative.


To be continued….



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